The main questions and answers about stoves and heating.
- The fireplace stove (insert) is burning poorly, there is no draft or smoke is released into the room during stoking and burning.
- The fireplace stove (insert) cannot be heated up fast enough.
- The area is not heated enough
- The heat output of the fireplace stove (insert) is too high.
- The fireplace stove (insert) smells during operation.
- The fireplace stove (insert) makes noise, noisy operation, cracking
- The glass on the furnace door becomes dirty
- Additional questions
Use enough fuel and start the fire “from the top”, which will allow the stove to reach the operating temperature without having to open the door and stoke before the first load of fuel burns out. If the process is done correctly, only burning embers will remain in the furnace.
Open the primary air regulator.